"Saga-Nishiki" is a beautiful intricately hand woven fabric
which was first created about 180 years ago(around 1810) by
the widow of one of the members of the Nabeshima Clan in Hizen-Kashima Province, Japan.
She inspired from a bamboo ceiling.
Eventually, this handwork became popular among the high ranking ladies living in
the inner halls of the Nabeshima estate.
In the Meiji era, this art was on the wane, but it was brought into vogue again
among the aristocrats before long. In addition to the original twilled fabric,
such fascinating fabrics with woven figures rich in the beauties as the natural flowers,
birds, and scenery widen the varieties of the design and the expression.
For Saga-Nishiki, Japanese paper gilded with gold, platinum, or silver foil, or only lacqured,
cut into from 20 to 60 per each 30mm width, are used as the warp.
The warp is picked up with a bamboo spatula one by one according to the design to pass through
bobbined delicately coloured silk yarn.
Subtlety, skill, and artistic sense for creation are the essential for Saga-Nishiki.
This is why Saga-Nishiki is called as "the ultimate" among all the traditional handwork in Japan.
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FAX: 81-3-5484-2238(Japanese only)